Battle of the AI Titans: Google’s Bard AI vs. Microsoft’s Bing AI vs. ChatGPT Version – A Showdown of Conversational AI Powerhouses 2023
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Lets Uderstand ChatGPT and Versions


ChatGPT, one of the most talked-about topics at present, has garnered immense popularity within a week of its release. With over 1 million users signing up in just 5 days, it has outpaced platforms like Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, and even Instagram. This cutting-edge technology is transforming the way we seek answers and has raised questions about the relevance of traditional search engines like Google. In this blog post, we will delve into what ChatGPT is, its capabilities, and how it is poised to revolutionize various industries.

Understanding ChatGPT:

ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, , the engine powering GitHub’s Co-Pilot. OpenAI has been pushing the boundaries of AI, and ChatGPT is yet another breakthrough. It enables users to prompt an AI system with questions or prompts and receive human-like responses. This distinctive approach sets ChatGPT apart from conventional AI models.

The Power of ChatGPT:

ChatGPT’s potential is impressive, as it generates detailed explanations and breakdowns for various problems. Gone are the days of simply searching for answers on Google; now, ChatGPT provides comprehensive insights. The AI model showcases its power in different domains, such as code generation and image synthesis. However, its capabilities have raised concerns for platforms like Stack Overflow, which aim to maintain trust by ensuring human-generated answers.

Exploring ChatGPT in Practice:

To better understand ChatGPT’s inner workings, I decided to personally explore and utilize its capabilities. OpenAI offers free access to ChatGPT through their website. Upon logging in, the user-friendly interface provides examples, limitations, and interactive features. I began by asking ChatGPT about Python and TypeScript, and it delivered accurate explanations. Moreover, when I faced a coding error, ChatGPT not only fixed the code but also provided a detailed explanation of the issue and its resolution.

Beyond Programming:

ChatGPT’s utility extends far beyond programming. For instance, I tested its ability to suggest low-carb food options for weight loss. It effortlessly recommended grilled chicken, shrimp, and omelets. Taking it a step further, I asked ChatGPT to create a shopping list based on those meals, and it promptly generated an indented and readable list. This versatility and practicality make ChatGPT a valuable tool in various industries.

The Future of ChatGPT:

In my opinion, ChatGPT is here to stay and will revolutionize our daily lives, much like Google did in the past. Its impact will extend to numerous industries once they fully leverage its potential. However, the adoption of ChatGPT also raises important ethical considerations, as it blurs the line between AI-generated and human-generated content.


Study of Google Bard

Google has launched its own competitor called Bard 2.

Building upon the success of its predecessor, Bard 2 aims to further enhance chatbot capabilities by offering improved dialogue generation, context understanding, and human-like responses.

One of the major focuses of Bard 2 is to improve its ability to understand and maintain context during conversations. While GPT-4 demonstrated remarkable language generation skills, it sometimes struggled with coherence and maintaining a consistent context over extended dialogue exchanges. Bard 2 addresses this limitation by incorporating advanced techniques such as memory augmentation and contextual embedding. These enhancements enable the model to retain crucial information from previous interactions, resulting in more coherent and context-aware responses.

Bard 2’s objective is to create chatbot interactions that closely resemble human conversations. The model has been trained on vast amounts of text data, including books, articles, and internet content, allowing it to acquire a rich understanding of language patterns and nuances. By leveraging this extensive training, Bard 2 is capable of generating responses that exhibit improved fluency, naturalness, and contextual relevance. This advancement offers users a more engaging and realistic conversational experience.

Google’s Bard AI vs. Microsoft’s Bing AI vs. ChatGPT Version

Ease of Use:

Bard AI (Chat GPT by Google) is easy to use as it can be accessed through the website using a Google account, which is convenient for many people. It offers integration with other Google products like Gmail and Google Docs, making it user-friendly.

Bing AI requires the use of Microsoft Edge browser, which can be a bit more challenging for some users, especially on non-Windows devices. However, Bing has a good mobile app for iOS and Android, which is a plus.

Helpfulness and Completeness of Answers:

Bard AI (Chat GPT by Google) provides helpful and complete answers to queries. It generates informative responses, provides follow-up suggestions, and even presents tables and charts to compare different models or concepts.

Bing AI also offers informative answers and includes the sources of information. However, it may not always generate the desired tables or charts for comparison.


Both Bard AI and Bing AI demonstrate accuracy in providing correct answers to queries. They perform well in tasks such as solving complex math problems or providing real-time data.


Bard AI (Chat GPT by Google) exhibits creativity in generating responses, suggesting alternative ideas, and presenting information in an engaging manner.

Bing AI also shows some level of creativity, but it may not be as prominent as in Bard AI.


Both Bard AI and Bing AI provide relatively fast responses to queries, allowing users to obtain information quickly.

Based on these categories, the scores for each AI can be summarized as follows:

Ease of Use: Bard AI (5 stars), Bing AI (4 stars), Chat GPT (3 stars)

Helpfulness and Completeness of Answers: Bard AI (5 stars), Bing AI (3 stars), Chat GPT (3 stars)

  • Accuracy: Bard AI (5 stars), Bing AI (5 stars), Chat GPT (5 stars)
  • Creativity: Bard AI (4 stars), Bing AI (3 stars), Chat GPT (3 stars)
  • Speed: Bard AI (5 stars), Bing AI (5 stars), Chat GPT (5 stars)

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Rakesh Rocky
Rakesh Rocky

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