Latest Free AI Tools for Making Instagram and YouTube Reels 2023
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In today’s digital landscape, viral videos have become a powerful tool for gaining millions of views and followers on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. The good news is that you don’t need extensive video editing skills or expensive equipment to create these captivating videos. With the help of AI technology and a few simple steps, you can produce high-quality, attention-grabbing videos that are bound to go viral. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating AI-generated videos that have the potential to capture millions of views.

Section 1: Getting Started

1.1. Introduction to AI Image Generation

AI image generation is an exciting frontier that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to produce visually captivating and lifelike images. Through the advancements in deep learning and generative models, AI systems have unlocked the ability to generate stunning visuals that rival human creativity.

The foundation of AI image generation lies in generative AI models like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs). These models are trained on extensive collections of existing images, allowing them to learn intricate patterns and underlying features present in the data. This training process empowers the models to create entirely new images that possess similar characteristics to the training data.

Generating images with AI involves inputting a random noise vector into the trained model, which then transforms the noise into meaningful and visually striking images. By manipulating various parameters or providing specific constraints, users can shape the generated images to reflect specific styles, content themes, or desired attributes.

Latest Free AI Tools for Making Instagram and YouTube Reels 2023

1.2. Using for AI Image Generation

Leonardo AI is an incredible platform that takes image and video synthesis to new heights using the power of artificial intelligence. It allows users to create, modify, and enhance images and videos in ways that are remarkably realistic and artistically impressive.

With Leonardo AI, you can dive into a world of advanced generative models like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and neural style transfer. These cutting-edge technologies enable you to generate stunning visuals that captivate the eye. Imagine changing backgrounds, adding or removing objects, adjusting lighting conditions, or applying unique artistic styles—all at your fingertips.

  1. Visit the Leonardo AI website at and create an account. Registration is simple and only requires basic information.
  2. Once you’re logged in, familiarize yourself with the platform’s interface. Take a moment to explore the various features and options available to you.
  3. To generate an image, start by selecting the type of image you want to create. Leonardo AI offers a range of options, such as landscapes, portraits, animals, and more. Choose the category that aligns with your creative vision.
  4. After selecting the image category, specify any additional details or preferences. For example, you may want to choose a specific style, adjust the lighting conditions, or set certain parameters to customize the output to your liking.
  5. Input any necessary input data or prompts that will guide the AI in generating the desired image. Be clear and specific about your requirements to achieve the best possible outcome.
  6. Once you’ve provided the necessary inputs, click on the “Generate” button or similar prompt to initiate the image generation process. Leonardo AI will then work its magic, leveraging powerful AI algorithms to create the image based on your specifications.
  7. While the AI generates the image, be patient and allow it some time to process and create the desired output. The time required may vary depending on the complexity of the image and the platform’s current workload.
  8. Once the image is generated, you can preview it and make any further adjustments if needed. Leonardo AI offers options to modify various aspects of the image, such as colors, filters, and effects. Take advantage of these features to fine-tune the image to your desired outcome.
  9. When you’re satisfied with the image, you can save it to your device or share it directly from the platform. Leonardo AI provides seamless options for downloading, sharing on social media, or integrating the image into your creative projects.
  10. Remember to credit Leonardo AI appropriately if you plan to use the generated image in any public or commercial settings. Respecting intellectual property and acknowledging the contributions of AI platforms is important for ethical usage.
Section 2: Generating the Video Script

2.1. Introducing Chat GPT for Video Script Assistance

Chat GPT, driven by advanced artificial intelligence, is a language model that excels in understanding and generating text that closely resembles human-like conversation. With its assistance, you can expect valuable suggestions, creative brainstorming, and enhanced input to elevate the quality of your video scripts.

Harnessing the power of Chat GPT for video script assistance is an intuitive and user-friendly experience.

2.2 Customize the Video Script

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of this AI-powered tool while preserving a natural and human-like tone:

  1. Access Chat GPT: Begin by accessing the platform or application where Chat GPT is available. This could be a web-based interface, a dedicated software, or an integrated feature within your preferred video production tool.
  2. Establish the Objective: Clearly define the objective or theme of your video script. Whether you’re crafting a promotional video, a narrative-driven story, or an educational piece, providing a clear direction lays the foundation for fruitful collaboration.
  3. Engage in Conversations: Initiate a conversation with Chat GPT by asking questions, providing prompts, or describing the scenes and characters involved. You can communicate naturally, as if you were collaborating with a human scriptwriter.
  4. Seek Ideas and Suggestions: Chat GPT serves as a wellspring of ideas and suggestions to enrich your script. It can generate dialogue, vividly describe settings, propose character developments, and even suggest plot twists. Explore different angles and inquire about alternative options to expand your creative horizons.
  5. Refine and Iterate: Utilize the conversational nature of Chat GPT to refine your script iteratively. Engage in a back-and-forth exchange, sharing your thoughts and seeking further elaboration or clarification from the AI. This interactive process allows for dynamic and collaborative scriptwriting experiences.
  6. Review and Customize: Carefully review the suggestions and ideas provided by Chat GPT. Tailor and fine-tune them to align with your vision, maintaining the desired tone and adhering to specific requirements. Infuse your unique style and voice to ensure the script reflects your creative intent.
  7. Combine Human Expertise: While Chat GPT offers valuable assistance, remember that it functions as an AI tool. Collaborate with human scriptwriters, directors, or producers to combine their expertise and perspectives with the AI-generated content. This fusion of human and AI creativity can lead to truly exceptional video scripts.
  8. Iterate and Improve: Continuously iterate and improve your script based on feedback and further interactions with Chat GPT. Enhance character arcs, refine dialogue flow, and polish the overall narrative structure to create a compelling and engaging video script.
  9. Finalize and Produce: Once you feel satisfied with the script, proceed to the production phase. Share the final script with your team, actors, and crew members to bring your vision to life on the screen.
Section 3: Bringing Your Video to Life

3.1. Using for Video Creation

  • Utilize the user-friendly platform,, to begin the video creation process.
  • Explore the intuitive interface and extensive library of pre-designed doodles, characters, and backgrounds.
  • Customize the elements to match your desired style and aesthetic, reflecting your creative vision while maintaining a human touch.
  • Take advantage of’s features, including scene transitions, animation effects, and text overlays, to enhance storytelling and visual impact.
  • Create a storyboard or visual outline using’s tools to effectively plan and organize your content before animating.

3.2. Uploading the AI-Generated Image

  • Incorporate the AI-generated images seamlessly into your video. After generating the desired visuals using AI tools, download the images to your device.
  • Utilize’s simple image upload feature to insert the AI-generated images into specific scenes or sections of your video.
  • Ensure a smooth integration of the AI-generated images with the overall video flow, adjusting their position, size, and timing as needed.
  • As you combine AI-generated images with’s animated doodles and characters, pay attention to maintaining a consistent visual style and coherence throughout the video.

3.3. Choosing the Perfect Voice and Style

  • Selecting the right voiceover for your video is crucial. Consider the tone, mood, and intended audience of your video to choose a voice that resonates with your message.
  • If you prefer a human voiceover, you can hire professional voice actors who specialize in various styles and accents. Ensure that the voice matches the narrative and enhances the emotional impact of the video.
  • Alternatively, you can utilize AI voice synthesis technologies that offer human-like voices. Several platforms provide natural-sounding AI voices to give your video a professional touch. Ensure that the voice fits the content and maintains a consistent quality throughout the video.
  • Pay attention to the style and pace of the voiceover, ensuring it aligns with the overall tone and tempo of your video. Whether it’s informative, conversational, or motivational, the voice should enhance the impact of your message without sounding artificial or robotic.
Section 4: Enhancing Your Video

4.1. Introduction to Cap Cut for Video Editing

  • To enhance your video, consider using Cap Cut, a user-friendly video editing tool with powerful features.
  • Cap Cut offers a seamless and intuitive interface, allowing you to edit and customize your video with ease.
  • Explore the various editing options provided by Cap Cut, such as trimming, cropping, adding transitions, and applying filters to enhance the visual appeal of your video.

4.2. Adding Captions to Your Video

  • Captions play a crucial role in making your video accessible and engaging to a wider audience. Cap Cut provides easy-to-use tools for adding captions to your video.
  • Utilize Cap Cut’s captioning feature to include text that corresponds to the spoken words in your video.
  • Ensure that the captions are accurate, synchronized with the audio, and visually appealing, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

4.3. Adjusting Caption Settings for Readability and Appeal

  • Customize the caption settings in Cap Cut to optimize readability and appeal.
  • Experiment with different fonts, font sizes, and text colors to ensure the captions are visually clear and easy to read.
  • Consider the background of your video and choose text colors that provide a suitable contrast for improved visibility.
  • Adjust the caption placement and duration to ensure they appear at appropriate times and do not interfere with the visual content.
Section 5: Enhancing Video Quality

When it comes to enhancing the quality of your videos, utilizing professional-grade tools can make a significant difference. These tools provide a range of features and functionalities that empower you to elevate your videos to the next level while maintaining a human-based writing quality. Here are a few notable tools to consider:

  1. Adobe Premiere Pro: Adobe Premiere Pro is a renowned video editing software that offers a comprehensive set of tools for enhancing video quality. With its advanced editing capabilities, intuitive interface, and extensive effects library, you can refine your footage, adjust colors, apply filters, and implement precise edits to create visually stunning videos.
  2. DaVinci Resolve: DaVinci Resolve is a powerful video editing and color correction tool trusted by professionals in the film and television industry. It provides advanced color grading features, precise audio editing, and a wide range of effects to enhance the visual appeal and overall quality of your videos.
  3. Final Cut Pro: Designed exclusively for Mac users, Final Cut Pro is a feature-rich video editing software that delivers exceptional performance and editing capabilities. It offers high-quality video processing, advanced color grading, seamless integration with other Apple products, and intuitive tools to bring your vision to life with impeccable quality.
  4. Filmora: Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software suitable for both beginners and experienced video creators. It offers a range of creative features, such as filters, overlays, transitions, and text effects, enabling you to enhance the visual aesthetics of your videos while maintaining a natural and human touch.
Section 6: Uploading and Maximizing Reach
  1. Choose the Right Platform: Selecting the appropriate platform to upload your videos is crucial. Popular choices include YouTube, Vimeo, and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Each platform has its own strengths and target audience, so choose the one that aligns best with your content and desired reach.
  2. Optimize Video Metadata: Metadata plays a significant role in improving discoverability. Craft compelling and descriptive titles, write engaging video descriptions, and utilize relevant tags and keywords. This human-written metadata enhances the searchability of your videos, making it easier for users to find them organically.
  3. Craft Engaging Thumbnails: Thumbnails act as visual representations of your videos and greatly impact click-through rates. Design eye-catching and custom thumbnails that accurately depict the content and evoke curiosity. Avoid using misleading or clickbait thumbnails, as they may harm your credibility and audience engagement.
  4. Promote Your Videos: Actively promote your videos through various channels to expand their reach. Share them on your website, blog, and social media accounts. Leverage your email newsletters and collaborate with influencers or industry partners to reach a wider audience. Engage with your viewers through comments and respond to their feedback, fostering a sense of community and connection.
  5. Embed Videos on Your Website: Increase engagement on your website by embedding your videos in relevant blog posts, landing pages, or product pages. This not only enhances the user experience but also boosts SEO as videos are known to improve dwell time and increase page visibility in search engine results.
  6. Utilize Social Media: Leverage the power of social media platforms to promote your videos. Craft engaging captions that complement your video content and encourage users to watch and share. Engage with your audience through comments, respond to their inquiries, and foster conversations around your videos.
  7. Collaborate and Cross-Promote: Collaborate with other content creators or influencers in your niche to cross-promote each other’s videos. This mutually beneficial approach can significantly expand your reach and expose your content to new audiences.
  8. Analyze and Optimize: Regularly analyze video analytics to gain insights into viewer behavior, engagement, and preferences. Use this data to optimize future videos, refine your content strategy, and tailor your approach to maximize reach and impact.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you now have the knowledge to create captivating AI-generated videos that have the potential to go viral. With the power of AI, you can produce high-quality content that resonates with your audience and drives millions of views. Remember to experiment, be creative, and stay consistent to maximize your chances of success in the ever-evolving world of online video content.

Notice: The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and we do not promote any affiliate links or endorse specific tools. Before implementing any of the tools mentioned, we encourage you to conduct thorough research and make informed decisions based on your specific needs and requirements. Please ensure that you carefully evaluate and choose tools that align with your goals, preferences, and budget. For additional guidance and recommendations, consider seeking advice from industry experts or consulting reputable sources.


Q1: Do I need advanced video editing skills to create viral AI-generated videos?

No, You need to have basic skills of phone or Laptop using on latest technology and understanding.

Q2: Can I use my phone instead of a PC to create these videos?

Yes, currently most of the software and AI tools have both and app and software version. So anyone can use either phone or laptop based on the availability of its usage on phone and laptop. As most of the apps on phone have got limitation, whereas pc or laptops have got better usage of all time.

Q3: Are there any free tools available for video editing and enhancing video quality?

Yes, there many tools available for free, students License and paid version. Some of the tools of all time have been discussed above.

Q4: How can I promote my videos and channel to maximize their reach?

Please read Section 6: Uploading and Maximizing Reach.

Q5: Is it necessary to have a large budget to create viral videos?

No, the start can be free or based upon the requirement of needs.

How to apply to this job:
  1. Read the job details carefully: Go through the job description, requirements, and responsibilities mentioned on the job page to understand the role and determine if it aligns with your skills and qualifications.
  2. Scroll down to find the “Apply Now” button: Navigate to the bottom of the job page where you will typically find an “Apply Now” button or a similar call-to-action.
  3. Click on the “Apply Now” button: Once you locate the button, click on it to proceed with the application process.
  4. Redirect to the official application page: After clicking on the “Apply Now” button, you will be redirected to the official application page, where you will find a form or an online application portal.
  5. Complete the application: Fill in the required fields in the application form with accurate and up-to-date information. This may include your personal details, educational background, work experience, and any additional information requested.
  6. Attach relevant documents: If the application requires any supporting documents such as your resume, cover letter, or portfolio, make sure to attach them as per the instructions provided.
  7. Review and submit: Before submitting your application, take a moment to review all the entered information to ensure its accuracy. Double-check that you have provided all the necessary details and attached any required documents.
  8. Submit your application: Once you are satisfied with the information provided, click on the submit button to send your application for consideration.
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Rakesh Rocky
Rakesh Rocky

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