Googles amazing Gemini AI assistant 2023 tech updates
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Google Gemini AI and MIT-Harvard’s FAn: Transforming Robotics and AI Landscape. Googles amazing Gemini AI assistant 2023 tech updates

Blogpost by Ideaota

In recent times, Google has set its sights on an exciting new venture – the development of an advanced AI assistant that many believe might be a precursor to a groundbreaking project called Gemini. This endeavor involves testing various AI features to gauge user response and fine-tune the technology. Gemini is poised to amalgamate elements ranging from AlphaGo to Google’s AI search, with the potential to revolutionize both the internet and our daily lives. In this article, we delve into the Gemini Project and also explore a remarkable AI initiative known as FAn, originating from MIT and Harvard University.

Understanding the Gemini Project

Originally conceived by Google DeepMind, the group behind the historic AlphaGo victory over the Go world champion in 2016, the Gemini Project aims to construct a universal AI system capable of addressing any task using diverse types of data, without relying on specific models. Gemini, in its current phase, serves as a substantial language model adept at processing text, images, videos, and more. It boasts the remarkable capability to create content, such as converting text into videos or speech into images. The potential applications for Gemini are extensive.

The architecture of Gemini stands out due to its proficiency in simultaneously handling distinct data types. This means that if you provide textual input describing a scene, Gemini can generate corresponding images, videos, and audio. Conversely, from an image, video, or audio input, it can produce descriptive text. This versatile ability sets Gemini apart from other AI systems, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which excel in text generation but falter in handling images, videos, or audio.

Why Google is Venturing into Gemini

There are several compelling reasons behind Google’s investment in the Gemini Project. Firstly, the company envisions enhancing its existing tools and products through Gemini’s capabilities. This includes potential benefits for chatbots like BERT and their search engine. Imagine asking Gemini a question and receiving an answer in any preferred format – a seamless and efficient approach to problem-solving.

Secondly, Google possesses a substantial reservoir of data, surpassing many of its competitors. This data stems from sources like YouTube, Google Books, its search index, and scholarly content from Google Scholar. With this wealth of information, Google is uniquely positioned to train superior models and generate innovative outcomes.

Thirdly, Google intends to extend Gemini to users of its Cloud platform, offering businesses and developers access to its capabilities. This could pave the way for novel learning resources, assistive technologies, and creative content generation using ambient computing.

While Google has yet to announce an official release date for Gemini, they’ve indicated that more details about the project will be unveiled in the fall of this year.

Introducing FAn: Revolutionizing Robotics with AI

Apart from Google’s Gemini, another groundbreaking development has emerged from the collaborative efforts of MIT and Harvard University – the Follow Anything (FAn) system. FAn introduces a remarkable advancement in real-time object tracking by robots, utilizing nothing more than a camera and a simple query.

What is FAn and Why is it Impressive?

FAn, short for Follow Anything, is a novel system developed by researchers from MIT and Harvard. It empowers robots to track objects in real time using a camera and basic instructions. Unlike existing robotic systems that rely on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), FAn employs Vision Transformers (ViTs), which are a variation of the renowned Transformer architecture commonly associated with natural language processing (NLP).

FAn’s approach offers several advantages. Unlike CNNs, which often require extensive manual tuning and predefined object categories, FAn can dynamically track objects based on instructions provided by the user. It’s highly user-friendly, requiring nothing more than a bounding box to initiate tracking. FAn’s ViTs can process images as sequences of tokens, learning to understand relationships between different parts of an image, just as Transformers grasp relationships between words in text.

FAn’s Impressive Performance

FAn has demonstrated exceptional capabilities in real-time object tracking and segmentation, outperforming popular CNN-based methods. It can handle challenges like occlusions, fast motion, and background disturbances. Notably, FAn’s proficiency remains consistent across various datasets without the need for additional training. This remarkable progress hints at a future where robots can seamlessly interact with and understand objects in any environment.


The realms of AI and robotics are witnessing rapid transformations with initiatives like Google’s Gemini Project and MIT-Harvard’s FAn system. These advancements hold immense potential to reshape how we interact with technology and our surroundings. As we eagerly await further developments and insights into these projects, it’s important to remember that the landscape of innovation is vast, and the future promises even more remarkable breakthroughs.


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    Rakesh Rocky

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